Kangana Ranaut recently took followers on a nostalgic tour by sharing a vintage video with Salman Khan on her Instagram Stories. The video show’s Kangana’s cameo appearance on Salman Khan’s hit reality show ‘Dus Ka Dum’. Kangana and the actor shared a beautiful moment together. The B-town diva was even praised by Salman for wearing a Ghagra choli and dancing to the upbeat music.
Kangana shared the same video on Instagram and said, “OMG!!! SK why do we look so young?? Does that mean we aren’t anymore?”
Take A Look:-
Salman Khan was seen admiring Kangana’s confidence while urging the audience to clap for her when she was putting on a lehenga over her dress. After which Crowd goes gaga over Kangana and is seen praising her. Kangana dances to the rhythm of the well-known ‘Dhak Dhak Karne Laga’ song by Madhuri Dixit. Kangana, who had a dupatta wrapped around her hair, charmed viewers with her cute gestures and reactions. Kangana’s dance skills amazes Salman as well. He joined her and began to lip sync.
(Also read: Kangana Ranaut Sports A ‘Saggi Phool’; Says ‘Even Indians Don’t Know About Their Heritage’)
Kangana has a couple of films in her kitty. She is now in the midst of filming for P Vasu’s ‘Chandramukhi 2,’ which stars Raghava Lawrence in the major role. The actress also has her upcoming action thriller film ‘Tejas’. In addition, Kangana has completed the ‘Emergency’ filming schedule.