Vicky Kaushal announced the release date of his new movie ‘The Great Indian Family’ in a fun video that gave a sneak peek into the hilarious way his family interacts. The movie, which is set in rural India and will come out on September 22, is directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya. It is about how Vicky’s family is thrown into chaos when something unexpected happens.
Vicky’s last movie, ‘Zara Hatke Zara Bachke,’ was a big hit, so he posted the film’s first look on Instagram and invited people to see the celebration of family in theatres. The video shows Vicky’s thoughts on family, which range from sweet to funny. It also includes snippets of his family members’ sounds, which builds up the excitement.
Watch The Video:
Manushi Chhillar, Manoj Pahwa, Kumud Mishra, Sadiya Siddiqui, Alka Amin, Shrishti Dixit, and Bhuvan Arora are all in the cast, which promises a mix of skill and fun.
Vicky has shown that he is a good actor in many different types of films, including ‘Uri,’ ‘Masaan,’ ‘Raazi,’ and ‘Manmarziyaan.’ Meghna Gulzar’s ‘Sam Bahadur,’ which is about Sam Manekshaw, the first Indian Army officer to reach the rank of Field Marshal, is one of his future projects.
As people get more excited about ‘The Great Indian Family,’ Vicky Kaushal continues to impress with his wide range of acting skills and interesting choices of parts.