Cinephiles are waiting with bated breath for Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan. The action entertainer also stars Deepika Padukone in an extended cameo and Nayanthara in the lead role. While the film marks SRK and Deepika’s fifth collaboration, we can’t deny the fact that their chemistry in Chennai Express is still remembered by the audience. The film also featured popular South actress Priyamani in the song One Two Three Four. But do you know Jawan and Chennai Express have a connection interestingly and it’s related to Nayanthara? Find out!
Rohit Shetty directed the comic caper released in 2013 and marked the second outing of SRK and Deepika, while Jawan is their fifth film together. The National Award-winning southern actress Priyamani has worked in Hindi films earlier but in Rohit Shetty’s Chennai Express, she did her first ever item number titled 1234 get on the dance floor.
But do you know that song was earlier offered to Nayanthara but she turned it down as she didn’t want to make her Bollywood debut with an item number? Now, SRK and Nayanthara are the leading pair of Jawan, while the film also has Priyamani in the pivotal role. It will be interesting to see how this chemistry will enthral the audience.
The action entertainer features Shah Rukh Khan in a double role along with Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Deepika Padukone, and Thalapathy Vijay. The film will be released on September 7 worldwide. It is touted to be Shah Rukh Khan’s most expensive film to date made on a whopping budget of Rs 300 crore.