Directed by Kookie Gulati, Visfot is a crime thriller written by Abbas Dalal and Hussain Dalal. The film stars Riteish Deshmukh, Fardeen Khan in the lead roles, with Priya Bapat and Krsytle D’Souza in the supporting roles. Produced by Sanjay Gupta and Anuradha Gupta, Visfot is set to release on 6th September on Jio Cinema under the banner of White Feather Films. While some new Bollywood movies are being released in theatres, some are being re-released that became cult classic. Several movies like YJHD, Rockstar, Tummbad, Laila Manju and others have been re-released.
In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Bubble, Sanjay talks about re-release of films in theaters don’t make a huge difference, and that theaters have no materials. He also mentions about there is no brand loyalty for films like there used to be earlier.
Gupta says, “Once Visfot was ready, we watched it our first reaction was that it is supposed to be a big screen film. This deserves to be in the theaters. But it was always considered, conceived, executed, contracted for direct to OTT. So, we never really questioned if it was supposed to be in theaters.”
He says, “I don’t think even re-release of films makes a huge difference. The numbers are really negligible and a lot of time has passed. So a lot of films that came in the millennial years and the audience in their 20s today, were just born so they are just catching up on that cinema. But the stars are the same and they look the same. However, I don’t think there is any brand loyalty for something like for a Sholay, we had. We are in desperate times now because the theaters have no material. They are trying everything, even the exhibitors are trying everything.”
Sanjay Gupta further adds, ” Re-creating of films has always been there. I am one of those few filmmakers, who never shied away from saying that I was inspired from here. We take certain ideas from films. See the concept differs from film to film, in Kante the warehouse scene was shot a the 75th minute. But we you watch the Reservoir Dogs the movie began at a warehouse and ended at a warehouse well. So content is something we have always consumed and it is something that comes out there.”