The Vidhu Vinod Chopra-directed movie 12th Fail starring Vikrant Massey released theatrically on 27th October. Along with Vikrant, the movie also stars Medha Shankar, Sanjay Bishnoi, and Harish Khanna in pivotal roles. The Vikrant Massey starrer movie has been receiving impressive reviews not only from the audience but also from critics and celebrities. Now, that 12th Fail is continuing to win hearts, Sanjay Dutt and Farhan Akhtar have dropped their reviews about 12th Fail.
Sanjay Dutt and Farhan Akhtar review 12th Fail
Going by the reviews, it definitely looks like 12th Fail has left Sanjay Dutt mighty impressed. The Munnabhai MBBS actor took to his Instagram handle to praise the Vikrant Massey starrer movie. The actor shared the movie poster and wrote, “#VidhuVinodChopra’s 12th Fail is a heartwarming film that tells us to never stop pursuing our dreams. It shows us the power of not giving in, no matter how tough things get.”
On the other hand, Farhan Akhtar took to his Instagram handle and gave a shoutout to 12th Fail. He wrote, “Congratulations on a wonderful piece of work @vvchimself .. having known and briefly interacted with Manoj Kumar Sharma personally, I am blown away and inspired by his life story and your cinematic narration of it. A big thumbs up to @vikrantmassey and the rest of the cast and crew. Super stuff (heart emoji) GO WATCH THIS (thumbs up)”
The Vikrant Massey starrer 12th Fail is earning decently well at the box office. Released on 27th October, it has already minted more than Rs.3 crores. Now, as the movie has recently been released in theatres, it will not witness an OTT release until the summer of next year. This is being done so that the audience witness this classic movie in theatres and cherish the theatrical experience.
On this note, the Vidhu Vinod Chopra-directed 12th Fail offers a captivating narrative about those who attempt the UPSC exams. It also carries an inspiring message of not losing heart when witnessing failure, but rising back and ‘restarting’. This makes 12th Fail a must-watch theatrical movie.
Vasima Kazi has stepped her foot forward in the entertainment domain and is thrilled by its buzz. She is an active part of the Editiorial team at Bollywood Bubble and gives a part of herself in writing about celebs, TV, movies, shows, and all things entertainment. She is keen on leaving a strong online imprint and bringing the best out of herself. Apart from writing, she would not mind grabbing a steaming cup of coffee and getting lost in her world of books and fiction.