Rakul Preet and Jackky Bhagnani are one of the most adorable couple in Bollywood. The rumours and reports of Rakul and Jackky tying the knot soon are rife on the internet for the very right reasons. With this, it seems like the couple is all set to take their relationship a step ahead by tying the knot in February this year. Now, reports of their wedding details are making rounds on the internet. Going by the reports, it seems like the duo will be having an intimate wedding ceremony.
As per reports, the wedding of Rakul Preet and Jackky Bhagnani is taking place in Goa on 22nd February. According to the Hindustan Times, the couple wants to have an intimate wedding ceremony, however, they wish to have their industry friends in attendance.
The report stated that Rakul and Jackky’s wedding will be a two-day affair in Goa. Additionally, Rakul’s friends from the South industry are also expected to attend. The report stated that the couple might opt for a no-phone policy for the guests and keep the celebrations private.
Well, speaking of the two, Rakul and Jackky had made their relationship official in 2021. Since then, they have been dishing out couple goals. If the reports of Rakul and Jackky getting married next month in an intimate ceremony turn out to be true, their fans and followers will be waiting with bated breaths for their wedding pictures!
Vasima Kazi has stepped her foot forward in the entertainment domain and is thrilled by its buzz. She is an active part of the Editiorial team at Bollywood Bubble and gives a part of herself in writing about celebs, TV, movies, shows, and all things entertainment. She is keen on leaving a strong online imprint and bringing the best out of herself. Apart from writing, she would not mind grabbing a steaming cup of coffee and getting lost in her world of books and fiction.