Poonam Dhillon was a popular diva of 90s and ruled hearts with her stint in movies like Sohni Mahiwal, Yeh Vaada Raha, Trishul, among many others. Her children, Anmol Dhillon and Paloma also marked their Bollywood debut. Anmol entered the industry with Tuesdays and Fridays, the movie could not see light of the day due to pandemic. While Paloma made her debut with Dono alongside Sunny Deol’s son Rajveer Deol and it is receiving rave reviews. In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble, Paloma and Poonam Dhillon got emotional recalling brother Anmol Thakeria’s failed debut.
Due to pandemic, Anmol Dhillon’s debut Tuesdays and Fridays could not release in theatre and get its due. We asked Paloma if she had any apprehension kickstarting her career after seeing Anmol’s failure, she shared, “No, not at all! I do feel it was something that he could not control which a lot of things in the industry one can’t. Covid happened, his film came out in theatres when no one was stepping out of the house. We didn’t know when theatres were going to start functioning fully. And then his film came up on OTT.”
To this, Poonam Dhillon added, “That time OTT wasn’t as popular as it became today. The respect, interest and quality film it was just started. During covid, people started watching OTT. And now films and productions are specially made for OTT. That time it was majburi. I remember when theatres opened, out of choice Anmol wanted to go and I refused since we were fearful of what happened that time. It was a situation which none of us could control.”
Poonam Dhillon with children Paloma and Anmol
Appreciating how Anmol has always been her Pillar of strength and got emotional during Dono premiere, Paloma recalled, “My brother has been one of the most encouraging and supporting people in my life. I have been very influenced with him in terms of sports and even acting. He is been such a good support system even though he had such a different experience from me. He cried during the screening of Dono and literally told me that ‘I am so happy you are getting this. My experience was very different.’ It was a special moment we had.”
During the interview, Poonam Dhillon also opened up about coming from film family and dealing with parents Poonam and Ashok Thakeria professional lows. Watch the full interview here: