Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha got engaged at Delhi’s Kapurthala House on May 13. The engagement took place in the presence of their close friends and family members. It was recently reported that Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha are set to get married by the end of this year. On Tuesday, Parineeti was spotted in the city. The actress was asked about her and Raghav’s wedding date and she had the best reaction.
Parineeti has a quirky response
As paparazzi asked her ‘shaadi ki taarik kya hai?’, Parineeti pointed towards someone from her team, and said in Hindi, “She knows.” Before leaving in her car, Parineeti smiled and waved goodbye to “bye”.
A few days ago, Parineeti and Raghav were spotted hunting for wedding venues in Rajasthan. Prior to that, Parineeti was hunting for a venue in Udaipur.
Shikha Saxena, Deputy Director of Tourism Development, Udaipur, who was with Parineeti, told Hindustan Times, “She (Parineeti) was inquiring about the weather in Udaipur, when does the monsoon start and winter start. She had September in her mind. I told her that we have late monsoon, so it would be rainy till the last week of September.”
She added, “I suggested to them about November, and her PA was hesitant about the whether being too cold, but she looked open to the idea and her team was noting down every single information. I asked her clearly if she has any wedding plans, and she mentioned that she is planless right now, and is in the process of making one.” The deputy director went on to add Parineeti and Raghav want to get married in Rajasthan.
On the work front, Parineeti will be seen in Imtiaz Ali’s Amar Singh Chamkila. On Tuesday, the makers dropped the teaser of Amar Singh Chamkila. The upcoming film also stars Diljit Dosanjh and will be released on Netflix.