Raha Kapoor, daughter of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, is one of the most adorable star kids of Bollywood. Raha is celebrating her 1st birthday today. Yes, Alia and Ranbir’s darling daughter was born on 6th November, last year. Time and again, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor have often revealed cute and interesting things about their daughter. Well, Ranbir had earlier revealed that Raha’s birthday will be a homely celebration. The Kapoor family will be having a small birthday party for Raha at home. While we wait for Raha’s birthday pics, let’s take a look at the interesting things you may not know about Alia and Ranbir’s little munchkin.
5 things to know about Alia Raha Kapoor
Who named Alia-Ranbir’s daughter? Alia had earlier revealed that Raha was named by her ‘wise and wonderful dadi’ Neetu Kapoor.
The meaning of Raha: As revealed by Alia, “Raha, in its purest form means divine path, in Swahili she is joy, In Sanskrit, Raha is a clan, In Bangla – rest, comfort, relief, in Arabic peace, it also means happiness, freedom & bliss.”
What was Raha’s first gift from daddy Ranbir? The Animal actor’s first gift to daughter Raha has a connection with his lucky number 8. Ranbir had revealed, “A sneaker. They are really small sneakers. Nike sneakers and a Barcelona jersey in her size with her name and the number 8.” How cute is that! We can’t wait to see Raha wearing the Barcelona jersey and sneakers.
Raha’s first words: As revealed by Ranbir Kapoor, Raha is trying to speak words like Ma and Pa.
Alia or Ranbir – who does Raha looks like? On Kapil Sharma’s show The Kapil Sharma Show, Ranbir had revealed, “Raha looks me and sometimes like Alia, but the good thing is that she looks like the both of us only.”
We wish Raha Kapoor a very happy birthday!