As the suspenseful teaser for Nushrratt Bharuccha’s upcoming movie ‘Akelli’ recently went viral on the internet, interest in the movie is rapidly growing. The preview sparked some pretty remarkable reactions and left viewers wanting more. (Also read: Dream Girl 2: Nushrratt Bharuccha Talks About Being REPLACED By Ananya Pandey In The Film; Says ‘I Have Become Very Accepting, No Stress’)
The cast and crew of ‘Akelli’ decided to visit Mumbai’s renowned Siddhivinayak Temple today to seek heavenly blessings before the movie’s August 18 premiere. Director Pranay Meshram, lead actress Nushrratt Bharuccha, and producers Ninad Vaidya, Nitin Vaidya, Aparna Padgaonkar, Shashank Shah, and Vicky Sidana all paid homage to Lord Ganesha in order to invoke success and good fortune for their movie.
Take A Look:-
(Viralbhayani/ Instagram)
The movie shows the tenacity and bravery of an Indian mother who must make risky choices to provide for her family. The audience will connect with the movie’s compelling story, which will have a lasting impression. ‘Akelli’ looks to be a must-watch movie thanks to the talent and commitment of the actors, crew, and support from Dashami Studioz. It will enthral viewers with its compelling plot and top-notch acting. (Also read: ‘Bareilly Ke Bazaar’ Song! Nushrratt Bharuccha And Sreenivas Bellamkonda’s New Song From ‘Chatrapathi’ Is Sure To Leave Your Feet Tapping! (Watch Video))
Nitin Vaidya, Ninad Vaidya, and Aparna Padgaonkar established Dashami Studioz in 2016, and it has become a prominent participant in the Marathi film industry thanks to its abundance of quality content. On August 18, 2023, the movie will finally be released, and fans and movie buffs can’t wait to go on an exciting and thrilling cinematic voyage with Nushrratt Bharuccha and the entire ‘Akelli’ team.