Alia Bhatt has been the talk of town since her newly released film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani hit the floors. The actress is also marking her Hollywood debut in Heart Of Stone alongside Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. It has been learnt that the actress has signed a Vasant Bala project alongside The Archies debutant.
Vedang Raina to star opposite Alia Bhatt
Vedang Raina
Vedang Raina marks his debut with The Archies
Vedang Raina along with Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor and Mihir Ahuja among other are marking their debut with The Archies. After reports of Suhana Khan bagging a film made rounds on the internet, there are reports of the opinion that Vedang Raina also has bagged a Vasant Bala project alongside none other than Alia Bhatt. With this good news, the film will be supported by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions.
The two will be staying busy with several script reading sessions coming their way, as the project’s work will start in the month of August. Reportedly, Karan Johar and Vasant Bala were impressed with his acting after which the two decided that he would fit the role perfectly.
Vedang Raina is upcoming in The Archies helmed by Zoya Akhtar. The emerging talent is marking his screen debut alongside Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor and Agastya Nanda. The Archies is all set to witness an OTT release.
On the other hand, Alia Bhatt’s Hollywood debut in Heart of Stone releases on Netflix on 11 August. The actress also has a big project in the pipeline as she will play the female lead in YRF’s spy universe. Apart from this, Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani starring Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh has just released today. The film stands directed by Karan Johar.