Bollywood diva Aishwarya Rai Bachchan turned a year older yesterday. Well, the actress was the happy mother as she saw her darling daughter Aaradhya deliver a speech in front of the media. The star kid praised her mother. She said: “I feel that what my darling, my life, my mom is doing is truly important and truly wonderful. It’s truly enriching and fulfilling. It’s helping the world, it’s helping everyone around us, it’s helping people and I just want to say, what you are doing is truly incredible.”
The video was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram and went viral in no time. However, many social media users are trolling the star kid for the same. Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Doesn’t make sense to what she was saying.” Another wrote, “It sounds like Hello Bhaayaa.” One of the users even stated, “It’s just me or Aishwarya’s trying to snatch her mic?” Another commented, “Aishwarya is embarrassed by her daughter and trying to stop her from giving the speech?”
Check out the viral video below:
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress captivated her fans with her comeback project after years with the Ponniyin Selvan franchise. She was seen portraying an antagonist in the role of Pazhuvoor Ilaiya Rani Nandini Devi.
Stay tuned for more such stories.