Actor Neetu Kapoor celebrated her birthday in Italy with son Ranbir Kapoor and daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. The actress turned 64 as she celebrated her big day. Though Ranbir’s wife Alia Bhatt missed the celebrations with daughter Raha Kapoor, the day was attended by Riddhima Kapoor’s husband Bharat Sahni and daughter Samara.
Neetu Kapoor cherishing her day!
Actress Neetu Kapoor took to Instagram sharing a lovely picture with her children along with Samara and Bharat Sahni. She captioned the post saying, “Beautiful cherished day (Heart and lovestruck emoji) missed @aliaabhatt #raha ( my loves ) @riddhimakapoorsahniofficial @samarasahnii”
Neetu has kept it comfy with a red outfit paired with black heels as she sat on a chair. From the brother-sister duo, Ranbir is hugging his sister Riddhima. Besides Riddhima stands her daughter Samara along with her father Bharat. Ranbir has kept it casual yet stylish with a grey blazer, trousers and has paired his look with white sneakers.
As Alia Bhatt couldn’t attend mother in law Neetu’s birthday, she commented on the photo saying, “Love youuuuuuuuuu” and dropped hearts for the photo.
Along with Alia Bhatt, the comment section is flooded with Neetu’s fans wishing her on the occassion. One comment read, “Happy birthday to my most favourite actress (back heart emoji).
Another comment read, “Happy happy birthday darling Neetuji , have many more (two heart emojis) Stay happy always (lovestruck emoji)”.
Actress Alia Bhatt took to Instagram stories posting a story as she wishes her mother in law with a heartwarming message. She wrote, “Happy birthday queen. You make everything wonderful!!! Love you oh so much! (yellow heart emoji)”
Previously, Neetu Kapoor was seen in Jug Jugg Jeeyo alongside Anil Kapoor, Kiara Advani, Varun Dhawan and Maniesh Paul among others. The film garnered love from the audience and Neetu received appreciation for the role she played in the film. Now, the actress will be seen in her next film Letters to Mr. Khanna alongside Sunny Kaushal and Shraddha Srinath. The film is yet to have a release date.