Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan is all set to mark his directorial debut with web-series titled Stardom. The 6-episode series will be set against the backdrop of the Indian film industry and will be produced by Red Chillies Entertainment. Rumours were also rife that Bobby Deol is a part of Aryan Khan directorial Stardom and now he has confirmed the same. He appeared with Brother on Koffee With Karan season 8 where he spilled beans about the upcoming project.
Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol appeared in Koffee with Karan season 8 second episode. From opening up about their lowest phase to nepotism the Deol brothers bared their hearts out. During a conversation with KJo, Bobby shared how luck is favouring him now with some interesting projects in the pipeline. He revealed that he has a relationship with SRK’s production house Red Chillies Productions. He said, “I think I have a relationship with Red Chillies first I did Class of 83′, now Aryan’s show and then I also did Love Hostel. I think they’ve always given me good stuff.”
Recalling the old days, Bobby said, “I gave up, I started pitying myself. I just took on drinking a lot, I was sitting at home. And I used to keep cursing and saying, why don’t people take me? I am good, why don’t they want to work with me? I think I became so negative about everything, that there was no positiveness coming from me. And I used to sit home, my wife works.” He added, “Suddenly, I heard my son saying, you know mom, papa sits at home and you go to work everyday. Something snapped in me. I just said, no I can’t! It was a slow process when I got out of it, it took me time to get into the right mind frame to become okay. It can’t happen overnight.” Furthermore, he recalled going to directors and asking them for work.
As per recent reports, the first schedule of Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan directorial debut Stardom commenced in July this year. It will reportedly feature cameo appearances by Bollywood heavyweights, including Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, and Karan Johar.
On the work front, Bobby Deol will feature in Animal alongside Ranbir Kapoor and his first look has got us excited.