The sequel to the 2018 superhero picture ‘Aquaman’, titled ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom’, has received a lot of buzz ahead of its release. The film’s development has been marred by controversy, particularly over Amber Heard’s performance as Mera. Director James Wan, as well as key members of the production, have finally responded to these charges.
Director James Wan confirmed his idea for the sequel in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly. He added that the first ‘Aquaman’ film was mostly about Arthur (Jason Momoa) and Mera (Amber Heard’s) romance journey. Wan, on the other hand, had a different plan for the sequel from the start.
“The second movie was always going to be Arthur and Orm (Patrick Wilson). So, the first was a romance action-adventure movie, the second one is a bromance action-adventure movie.”- he stated.
“I always pitched this to everyone from the get-go. The first Aquaman was Arthur (Jason Mamoa) and Mera’s (Heard) journey. The second movie was always going to be Arthur and Orm (Patrick Wilson). So, the first was a romance action-adventure movie, the second one is a bromance action-adventure movie. We’ll leave it at that,” he added.
Amber Heard’s Testimony against Johnny Depp:
During her trial with ex-husband Johnny Depp, Heard claimed that her character was “pared down” and sections were cut from the script. While Heard was concerned about her character’s lessened presence, Walter Hamada’s evidence indicates that her character’s involvement in the tale stayed consistent with the film’s original premise.
About ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom’:
In ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom’, Willem Dafoe, Patrick Wilson, Dolph Lundgren, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Temuera Morrison, and Nicole Kidman all reprise their roles. It will be released on December 25, 2023.