For Pashmina Roshan’s birthday party, Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad recently went with a retro theme. The two people dressed like American author Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald, showing off their stylish outfits on Instagram. Hrithik showed pictures, such as a group picture with guests like Rajesh Roshan, Pashmina’s dad.
Hrithik Roshan’s Vintage Look:
Hrithik and Rajesh Roshan are shown wearing matching vintage white clothes in one picture. In the last two pictures, the two of them are seen taking an old-school pose. Hrithik wore a white shirt, striped gray pants, a black belt, and a hat. Saba, on the other hand, looked stunning in a silver dress with scarves and a cigarette holder around her neck. In a playful way, Hrithik’s comment called it a “vintage lark,” honoring Pashmina’s birthday with a nod to gangster and moll style.
Take A Look At Hrithik Roshan’s Post:
Pashmina liked the post and noted that Hrithik and Saba did a great job playing Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald. In another statement, someone thought about the group as a meeting of important people.
A picture of Pashmina by herself in a black sari and silver jewelry was also shared by Hrithik. In his heartfelt caption, he called her the brightest star, saying that she was full of energy and soul. According to Pashmina, she returned the love by thanking her “Duggu bhaiya.”
Hrithik Roshan’s Workfront:
Hrithik will be in Sidharth Anand’s action movie ‘Fighter,’ which is set to come out on January 25, 2024. He will also be in Ayan Mukerji’s spy film ‘War 2’ and is said to have a small role in Maneesh Sharma’s ‘Tiger 3.’