Alia Bhatt is set to make her Hollywood debut with the upcoming film, Heart of Stone. Alia will be seen in a never-seen-before avatar in the upcoming action-packed film. The actress will be seen sharing screen space with Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan in the same. Alia’s fans are beyond excited for her Hollywood debut.
Now, in a recent interview, Alia’s Heart of Stone co-star showered love on her. Gal said Alia is ‘super ready’ to carve a niche for herself in the West. The actress also described her co-star as someone who has a ‘no bulls**t attitude’ and is ‘blunt’.
Gal Gadot praises Alia Bhatt
In an interview with Hindustan Times, Gal stated that she and Alia has a lot in common. She said, “From the very first time we met, I felt we connected. Not because both of us are from different countries and English is not our native language and the culture is come from is very different, but she brings a lot of warmth with her. Also a lot of, if I can say, cut the bulls**t attitude. She’s always blunt.”
Alia Bhatt and Gal Gadot
Alia Bhatt and Gal Gadot will be seen together in Heart of Stone.
The actress further added that she’s confident that Alia will successfully make a place for herself in Hollywood. She said, “She comes with such experience, working for over a decade in India. And India, you guys are massive! So, she knows how to handle the heat. Breaking into the American market is going to be smooth, healthy evolution or transition for Alia. I think she’s super ready. If she ever needs anything, she’s my buddy, sister, has my number and address. I’m always here for her.”
The trailer of Heart of Stone was released in June at the TUDUM event. It had received a good response from the netizens. Alia will be seen doing many action stunts in her debut film. For the uninitiated, Alia was pregnant during filming some action scenes for Heart of Stone. The actress welcomed her baby girl, Raha, with husband Ranbir Kapoor in November 2022.
Heart of Stone also stars Jamie Dornan, Sophie Okonedo and Matthias Schweighofer. The upcoming film is slated to release on 11th August, 2023, on Netflix.