Filmmaker Karan Johar has opened up about being on the receiving end of criticism and hate. In a recent interview, he said that he can be annoying to people who don’t know him as a human being.
“I’m also like pouting at age 50 into a camera, I sometimes wear shiny clothes and walk the red carpet, I’m coming across catty on a chat show, I’m laughing like a hyena sometimes; can be annoying,” he said.
Johar also said that he is everywhere, from endorsing products to judging reality shows to hosting talk shows. This can make him seem too visible and annoying to some people.
However, Johar also asked his haters to give him the benefit of the doubt. He said that he is just as vulnerable and emotionally fragile as anyone else. He has had his heart broken in love, he is a single parent, and he lost his father at a young age.
“I work really hard still and really seek validation,” he said. “So, I’m just like anybody else and I hope that those people who come into my life, the ones who have even hated me, give me a chance because I’m not that hateful. I feel that there’s a lot of love I have to give.”
Johar’s comments come at a time when he is facing increasing criticism for his work. His latest film, ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani’, has been a massive hit. However, Johar has said that he is not going to let the criticism get to him.
“I’m not going to let the noise bother me,” he said. “I’m going to keep doing what I do and I’m going to keep making the kind of cinema that I want to make.”
It remains to be seen whether Johar’s message will resonate with his haters. However, his willingness to be vulnerable and open about his feelings is a refreshing change from the usual Bollywood star persona.