The official trailer for ‘Carry On Jatta 3’ was released by the film’s creators on Tuesday at a trailer launch ceremony in Mumbai. Along with the stars of the movie, several famous people including Aamir Khan and Kapil Sharma attended the event. ‘Carry On Jatta’ is one of the most popular and lucrative franchises in Punjabi cinema. The franchise’s third edition will largely share its earlier characters and few new actors.
The majority of ‘Carry On Jatta 3’ shots were filmed in London, United Kingdom, as opposed to the previous primarily shot in Punjab.
Watch Out Trailer Here:-
The romantic comedy, roller coaster adventure is depicted in the trailer. Where we shall see a lot of drama, excellent comedy, and light-hearted angles. Every single one of them offers their all to amuse the audience with a captivating plot resembling that of their previous franchise. It provides comedy, drama, and love. Everyone is taken on an emotional roller coaster ride that reaches viewers hearts.
An impressive ensemble cast, including Kavita Kaushik, Binnu Dhillon, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Karamjit Anmol, and Jaswinder Bhalla in important roles. Gippy Grewal and Ravneet Kaur Grewal produced the film under the banner of Humble Motion Pictures. Smeep Kang helmed ‘Carry On Jatta 3,’ which will premiere on June 29, 2023.