The late legendary actor, Dilip Kumar, has left an indelible mark in our hearts. His movies hold a significant place in the history of Bollywood cinema. On 7th July 2021, at the age of 98, Dilip Ji bid farewell to the world, leaving a void in our hearts. Recent news has surfaced that his iconic Pali Hill property will undergo demolition. In place of that, they will build a museum dedicated to Dilip Kumar Ji.
For the unversed, Dilip Kumar’s residence has been at the centre of a prolonged controversy. His wife, Saira Banu, has recently served a defamation notice to another developer. She claimed the opposition had attempted to seize the land through document forgery.
As reported by the Indian Express, the artist’s property will be demolished with the consent of the family. In its place, a luxurious residential project will be developed. However, the most fascinating part is that they have planned a museum exclusively devoted to Dilip Kumar and his illustrious career. This museum will find its home on the ground floor of the 11-story apartment building.
Real estate developer Ashar Group has joined hands with Dilip Kumar’s family for this project. Providing additional information, the publication revealed that the plot spans half an acre, and the total construction area of the project will be 1.75 lakh square feet. The Ashar Group has confirmed that they have resolved all legal issues related to the project.
We are quite excited to see the end results and visit the museum. It’s going to evoke a fresh hit of nostalgia.
Meanwhile, Dilip Kumar’s wife Saira Banu ji recently made her debut on Instagram. The veteran actress has been treating us with lovely photos from her time with Dilip Ji. She also adds a personal touch to her captions about her happy times and memories.