Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan have been promoting their upcoming film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke in full swing. They were recently spotted dazzling together at IIFA 2023. On the IIFA green carpet, Sara Ali Khan promised that she had a brand new knock-knock joke for her fans coming soon. And looks like she has lived up to her word with a new joke. But what’s exciting is Vicky’s reaction to it.
Sara Ali Khan is known for ‘Knock Knock’ jokes on social media. In the latest ‘Knock Knock’ joke, Vicky Sara calls Vicky ‘Buddhu’. And her co-star has quite a dumbfounded reaction.
Recently at IIFA 2023, Vicky also said that he probably needs a vaccine to be immune to Sara’s joke. Check the video here:
Zara Hatke Zara Bachke releases in theatres on 2nd June.
On the work front, other than Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, Sara Ali Khan has a bunch of projects like Ae Watan Mere Watan, Metro In Dino and Murder Mubarak. On the other hand, Vicky Kaushal will be soon seen in Sam Bahadur and Mere Mehboob Mere Sanam.