Actor Ananya Panday has been hitting headlines for her relationship with Aditya Roy Kapur for quite some time now. The two were spotted vacationing in Portugal together and since then, the chatters won’t stop to die. Speaking about their dating and the relationship, Chunky Panday, father of Ananya Panday was asked the same in a fun rapid-fire segment. When asked to react to Ananya’s dating rumours, he said that this is part and parcel of being in the glamour profession.
The Housefull actor said, “Nahi nahi… wo toh hone wala hai. (no no, this is bound to happen.) They say na you live by the soul you die by the soul. We are in the glamour profession ye sab hone wala hai (and all this will happen). Collateral damage hone wala hai. You can’t prevent it.” When asked who he thinks looks good with Ananya on screen or in real life. He said, “ I think right from Tiger Shroff starting off, even with Karthik Aaryan in Pati Patni Aur Woh. They were superb so she has always complimented the heroes and it’s been a great journey for her. She’s lucky.“
He also spoke about his daughter’s love but revealed he has one condition for his daughter. He said, “Maine bola hai ki joh bhi hoga he has to be better than me bas phir hi usko boyfriend banana, warna usse kum ka chance hi nahi hai (laughs). (I’ve told her that whoever he is, he has to be better than me and only then make him your boyfriend, otherwise there’s no chance).”
Recently, The Night Manager actor reacted to his viral pics with Panday, He told the publication, “It’s a good thing I am not so much on social media. But definitely, I have heard.” When asked about his Portugal trip, Aditya said, “I definitely needed a break. I missed the monsoons though, I love monsoons in Mumbai. Since the moment I came back, it has been raining non-stop for one week.”
Watch the full interview