It has been a while since it was announced that a film on former Indian cricket captain Sourav Ganguly’s life is in the pipeline. With him being one of the most celebrated sportsperson in the country, the excitement for the film is quite high. The question of which actor gets to play the lead in Sourav Ganguly biopic has also been doing rounds. After the names of Ayushmann Khurrana and Ranbir Kapoor were said to be in contention, the former was reported to be finalised.
Ayushmann Khurrana to start prep for Sourav Ganguly biopic next month
While there hasn’t been any new development on the film in some time, there seems to be one now. Ayushmann is currently enjoying the success of his recent release with Ananya Panday, Dream Girl 2. And as per a recent report in Mid-Day, he is set to jump into the prep phase for Sourav Ganguly biopic.
A source informed, “Ayushmann will begin training next month in Mumbai, giving him over two months to prep for the role before the project goes on floors in December.” Ayushmann would have to take intense training to replicate Ganguly’s signature batting stance. Interestingly, he is a left-handed batsman like Sourav. The biopic is reportedly being directed by Aishwarya Rajinikanth and expected to go on floors in December 2023.
Ayushmann’s recent outing Dream Girl 2 has been a success story collecting Rs 67 crores in one week. Post this, apart from the Sourav Ganguly biopic, the actor reportedly also has a film in Dinesh Vijan’s horror universe. It is said to be a vampire film in the universe already consisting of Stree, Roohi and Bhediya.