The famous couple Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, who are known for showing their love in public, didn’t hold back at the first show of the Jonas Brothers’ The Tour. With their cute daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas by their sides, they watched Nick’s show at Yankee Stadium in New York City on August 12 as the tour started.
During the event, Priyanka broke down in tears, which was caught on camera and quickly went viral. Priyanka used the chance to write a heartfelt note to her husband on Instagram. With the note were a number of captivating photos that showed how elegant and excited the couple looked before the show.
Priyanka wore a beautiful black sparkly outfit that got people’s attention. She looked elegant and stylish in a black and white striped tube top, a stylish black coat, and a velvet skirt. Nick looked just as sharp in an all-white outfit.
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In her emotional message, Priyanka was full of praise for Nick and called him a “magnet.” She thanked him for being in her life and told him that he was about to start an amazing tour. The actress didn’t stop there; she clapped for the whole Jonas Brothers group, praising their amazing ability and the hard work they put into putting on the show.
As Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas continue to be the couple everyone wants to be in a relationship with, their public support for each other and their love of music and entertainment continue to reach people all over the world.