Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan will be seen together in Nitesh Tiwari’s Bawaal. Bawaal marks Janhvi and Varun’s first project together. Given their good chemistry, fans are beyond excited to see them onscreen together. Ahead of the film’s release, Bawaal makers hosted a special screening which was attended by Khushi Kapoor, Natasha Dalal, Boney Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, and others. Karan Johar too enjoyed Janhvi and Varun starrer. The filmmaker took to his Instagram Stories and shared his review of the film.
Here’s how Karan Johar reacted to Bawaal
KJo showered Janhvi and Varun with praise. The filmmaker wrote, “Possibly the most unusual and original love story you have seen in the mainstream… directed with nuance, abandon and yet so much restrain… it moved me in so many moments… proud film for Sajid to back and for @primevideoin to house and the cherry on the cake is the career best performances of @varundvn and @janhvikapoor… They are the heartbeat of #bawaal @niteshtiwari22 @nadiadwalagrandson.”
Karan Johar reacts to Bawaal
Karan Johar reacts to Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan starrer Bawaal
Arjun Kapoor too shared his review of Janhvi and Varun’s Bawaal. The actor took to his Instagram Stories and wrote, “I thoroughly enjoyed this love story… it’s a unique yet entertaining film… it has heart soul and a whole lot of entertainment yet it makes u wonder about relationships and life that’s how simple it is. Maahol toh @varundvn and @janhvikapoor have set with career best performances!! Deftly handled and nurtured by by @niteshtiwari22 sir!! Kudos to @nadiadwalagrandson @ashwinyiyertiwari and @primevideoin This one is memorable for all the right reasons.” Reacting to this, Varun Dhawan wrote, “Thank ak sir.”
Arjun Kapoor reviews Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan starrer Bawaal
Arjun Kapoor reviews Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan starrer Bawaal
Bawaal trailer and songs and have already increased excitement among Varun and Janhvi’s fans. Sajid Nadiadwala and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari are producing it. Bawaal releases on Amazon Prime Video on July 21.